

a continuation of this..

i ran into my account rep for the company i work for and levelled with him. i told him i’m looking for work and that other contract houses wouldn’t touch me until i was out of the criteria for my no-compete clause. at that point, i asked him for an addendum to my employment agreement that would remove my no-compete clause.

he informed me that the contract they have with the customer where i am currently assigned currently prevents them from even marketing me to other companies.

i was informed back in june that, come review-time (november for me,) i am now allowed to request a billrate (raise) increase and they will consider it. the account rep says he’s going to fight some more again before then. we’ll see what happens.

i will have to get a letter of release or laid off to be removed from this contract.

ED: Make it worth my while to stay or let me go.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF



08.17.2005 (wednesday) marked a rather large achievement for me. to quote dave:

That’s about all i’m willing to say here, those who should know more… already do.

so, if you care to know, ask in one of the 123423456345764578457684 other ways to get a hold of me.

Categories : about  events

wedding fun


i finally got nate’s pictures uploaded.

i forgot about the big sombreros during dinner after the wedding in mexico. 🙂
hat fun 1

hat fun 2

Categories : about  events  fun

a lot goings on


i wanna start off by saying thanks to everyone in my life for being supportive of everything i’ve got going on.

yeah, most of you know i’m married now. three months of busy hell are all officially over, signified by me removing the countdown (now negative-days away) from my webpage.

the only tourist thing amanda and i did (among others) was the tulum ruins. otherwise it was time well spent relaxing by the water, honeymooning, or visiting with our family and friends.

wedding was in mexico. no beach wedding as we wanted, but it was close enough. pat did an awesome job with the ceremony. everyone appeared happy about how the events played out. most people enjoyed the resort thouroughly.

the wedding reception went off without a hitch. those that made it had a great time. i’m gonna assume those who didn’t are envious. chuck was our larger-than-life MC.

our grand total for the wedding ceremony, trip, reception, chocolate fountain, photographer, tips, license, destination fees, etc. was around $9,000. not bad, considering we didn’t have to arrange too much. the coordinators took care of everything. we could have done it for much less, but our involvement would have been much higher.

i have an associates degree in Applied Science Computer Information Systems – Computer Technology Specialist from Oakland Community College now. 1-2 more classes and i could get a “certificate” from the college. i want to take a photography class this summer also.

i didn’t get that job; which is fine. i don’t think i would have liked it anyway. now that all this is over, i can look again i guess. my current assignment is finally allowing contractor billrate increases at anniversary time (November for me,) so things could be turning for the better here.

i might bail on this whole Computer Science thing. I’ve got until the fall to decide. if i do, it’ll be an EE.

to do, in no particular order:

  1. find a new job
  2. get some certifications under my belt
  3. find a house we can afford
Categories : about  events  fun

Nick’s Graduashun Commencements


Hi all.

If you’d like to brave the 30+ (more +, less 30) mile drive to listen to some stuffy old guys endlessly ramble on about acheivements and such at The Palace of Auburn Hills, you’re welcome to. They’ll be doing their thing June 17th at 7pm. I’ll be in a cap and gown, probably front row left or right. The tricky last name gets me good seats for gigs like this. You’ll try to take pictures as I walk by but some large woman in front of you will block your view. Hey, it happens.

Anyway, if you want to attend, let me know. There’s only 20,000 seats left. If you can’t (or don’t want to but say you can’t) make it, that’s cool too. 🙂

If you want an official announcement, I have five. If you folks want more than five, I’ll pick some more up or I’ll scrawl something with my left hand and crayons on the back of a Rams Horn placemat; make it look all educated and such.

Here’s some more information.

Degrees are for leverage…


Categories : about  events



yeah, i took my last final exam at OCC tonight and passed all my classes. does “having an associates degree” start now, when i attend commencements in june, or when they mail it to me in july?

i’m the first in my family to get a post-secondary degree. the famn damily is pretty excited.

i don’t really feel any smarter. this must be for leverage.

Categories : about

Excellent day to have a rotten day.


my supervisor at my current assignment *cough*dcx*cough* told me that i should find a new job because there was no hope for career advancement (nor financial gain) here, even if i left for a year and came back.

that drives the last rail into the coffin of hope here. now i know.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF

one’s legal residence


so we’re getting married in june. i’m graduating in june. could we do more?

i had one other thing i wanted to accomplish for us in 2005; become a home (or condo) owner. i told myself that i’d be able to determine if it’d happen this year by the end of march. now, it’s the end of march.

we can become home owners this year. it’s something we can do so, yay!

oh yeah, it’ll be in a neighborhood that we want and someplace we would enjoy living in.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF



i’m now a +mod over at DNO. f34r me. 😈

how and why people trust me, i don’t know.

Categories : about