

a continuation of this..

i ran into my account rep for the company i work for and levelled with him. i told him i’m looking for work and that other contract houses wouldn’t touch me until i was out of the criteria for my no-compete clause. at that point, i asked him for an addendum to my employment agreement that would remove my no-compete clause.

he informed me that the contract they have with the customer where i am currently assigned currently prevents them from even marketing me to other companies.

i was informed back in june that, come review-time (november for me,) i am now allowed to request a billrate (raise) increase and they will consider it. the account rep says he’s going to fight some more again before then. we’ll see what happens.

i will have to get a letter of release or laid off to be removed from this contract.

ED: Make it worth my while to stay or let me go.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF

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