

cool music. cool video. cool artist.

Sia – Breathe Me on Transbuddha

Categories : fun



zooming out or zooming in with your subject while the shutter is open has an interesting effect.� note: only possible on cameras with manual zoom.

Categories : photography

advice for job seekers

Categories : geek

fisher-price my first model shoot


i went with greg to a “Studio 317 Group Shoot” in pontiac last sunday. i learned some things, mostly what not to do. i did a couple things right and sat through a workshop with a local photographer about portait photography.

click the image to look at the rest of my shots from the day. images ending with -1, -2, etc are processed. i left the “from-the-camera” images there for comparison (for now) 😈

Categories : photography

talk to us


NY Times Photography Editor answers reader questions. thanks nikon cafe.

excellent read, great pictures, and an interesting perspective on photojournalism.

Categories : photography

some just don’t get it


i have a character in WoW named Prolapserage. I got yelled at yesterday for it.


Categories : fun  geek



i’m generally not against apple’s macintosh. the richteous owners sometimes piss me off. apple should have stuck w/ the “think different” marketing scheme, the new mac commercials w/ john hodgeman are horrible and inaccurate.

although, VH1 made a good parody of this new mac ad campaign…

Categories : fun  geek

even more nerdly


more poking around in the production directory system at work, i saw this today. i wonder if IBM or the management know of it. 😆

Expanding base ‘ou=DB2,’…
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:
>> Dn: ou=DB2,
   1> description: Directory Tree for IBM DB2 Crap ;
1> ou: DB2 ;
2> objectClass: top; organizationalUnit;

Categories : geek

why i can’t get shit done.


thx tmbo

Categories : fun



t’is the season to blow shit up.

Categories : events  photography