
I had no coffee yesterday and fell asleep at 10pm.

i signed up for pre-calculus and modern literature next semester. (ed: datastructures and lit)
amanda got into an accident last week. she’s fine, car isn’t. it’s getting fixed.

what’s the world coming to? 😆

that is all.

Categories : about

WRONG:. FOURTY. RIGHT:. FORTY. “Four” loses its U when it changes to “forty.”


i will register for classes tomorrow. yes, plural. i will be taking two. if i want to finish my bachelor’s degree before i’m forty, i need to take more classes at a time.

student loans? oh yes, there will be loans. education reimbursement isn’t all-that-powerful at this education level


Categories : about



comcast took down (crashed?) our high speed internet. tv too. area-wide they say. 6-8 hours to fix it they say.
in the past, i would ‘squat’ on a neighbor’s high speed internet until mine came back up, but nobody/nothing else.

using the dd-wrt firmware on my wrt54g, i changed the wireless mode from “access point” to “client” and linked it to the neighbor’s wireless network 🙂

the neighbor’s high speed internet is considerably slower than ours (about 1/10th of ours), but it works. it appears they have WOW‘s 112k/112k package.

now, everything on the lan here at the apartment is online, not just me. 😀

with my wireless relegated to providing internet instead of wireless, i put up another “access point” i had laying around (yes, i had one laying around. doesn’t everybody?)

Categories : geek

There’s Charlie up ahead 2 clicks. I say we take ’em out. They won’t expect it.

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF