suggestions from the coworkers about marriage


two different coworkers had two different suggestions for me, as my wedding is around the corner.

  1. to put her in her place, i should sit down at dinner. if she makes some meal i absolutely hate, i should take each plate/bowl/gravy train/etc and flip it upside down on the table and follow it with, DON’T YOU EVER MAKE THIS SHIT FOR ME AGAIN!
  2. in my first year of marriage, i should take a penny and put it in a jar every time we have sex. after the first year, i should take a penny out each time we have sex. by the time i die, there will still be pennies left over

needless to say, these went over like lead ballons when we had a lil dialog about them. any other suggestions?

one comment

  1. Set the precendent in the first year that you will do chores when you get sex. You will work your ass off year one… then have much time for fun in ensuing years. 🙂

    Oh, and I’ve learned that offshore bank accounts are excellent in case of marital “issues”, and murder is cheaper in Detroit than divorce 😛

    jer, May 20, 2005

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