power saving coolness
a few months ago, holidave showed me this fun application called rightmark cpu clock utility
what it does is allows you to “clock down” your CPU under various conditions. using holidave’s example, i had to add a pstate and i set it to 4x, 1.000v. i set everything below to ‘Automatic Management” and “Balanced Performance/Power Saving.” this allows my a64 3000+ (2.0ghz) to idle at 800mhz.
ED: your CPU and motherboard must support this. Check for BIOS updates!
why would i do this?
- save electricty
- quieter, because the cpu fan speed is temp-sensitive. when it’s 800mhz, the fan is basically not spinning
- because it’s cool
- the app spins the CPU up partially or fully, depending on the load (dvd ripping gets about 1.1ghz 😉 ). noise increases gradually
- cpu (and fan) is full-on during games though because load demands it
when idle: |
when under load: |
those that think they really notice the difference with “speedstep” or “cool & quiet” enabled is full of shit. if you really need your equipment that “instant-on!” you got serious issues.
Cool, using this now. Thx for the link.
Side note: I tried putting in entries for all possible multipliers from 4-10x in .5 increments and it makes no difference as far as i can tell.