

another fine comic from tmbo

omg lol

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF




No mistaking our right to bear arms 😈 <3 family guy.

Categories : fun  OMG DUDA WTF

dollars and doughnuts


i’ll bet dollars to doughnuts he doesn’t know what he’s talking about

heard it before, never knew what it meant, until now.

Dollars to doughnuts means ‘most certain’ or ‘most assuredly’. It comes from the idea of betting. Betting a dollar to a half-dollar, for instance, means that you’re giving 2 to 1 odds–you’re willing to risk a dollar to win only a half-dollar. Being willing to bet dollars against doughnuts (viewed as worthless) means that you’re totally confident that you’re right, so confident that you’ll bet money against nothing.

The expression is also found in a number of variants, including dollars to buttons, dollars to dumplings, and dollars to cobwebs, each of these objects being considered worthless.

Dollars to doughnuts as an adjectival or adverbial phrase is first found in the late nineteenth century in America. The first explicit reference to betting is not found until the 1920s, in a story by “Ellery Queen”–“I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts Field played the stock market or the horses”–but betting is unquestionably the origin of the expression. (reference)

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF



i enjoy strange things. most of you know that. anyway, a skittles commercial has been running through my head lately. i see it often on [adult swim]

Categories : fun  OMG DUDA WTF



Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF



thx tmbo.


Categories : OMG DUDA WTF


suckyyou didn’t really think we were pulling out of iraq any time soon, did you?

the recent announcements about the lowering of troop levels appears to be a pacifier for the american public, stemming dissent.

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF

score: mirror 1 alarm clock 0


we moved into our new place in december and haven’t hung the massive mirror in the bedroom yet. it was just sitting on the back of the dresser, leaning next to the wall. last night, a lump of clothes resting on the dresser cooerced it to slid down and fall behind the dresser.  amanda’s alarm clock was behind the dresser also, minding its own business.

check out the carnage. the last picture has a quarter to give you an idea of how immense this mirror is.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF

thanks tmbo


something like the year 2020, this guy and his son are walking through NY. They stop at the site of where the towers stood.

The guy reads a plaque dedicated in memory of all who lost their lives that day, and the rescue workers. He sheds a tear in silence.

His son asks him what’s wrong, and he tells him that once upon a time, a bunch of Arabs hijacked airplanes and flew them into these big, tall skyscrapers, killing thousands of people.

His son is quiet for a short bit, then says…

(wait for it)

“Daddy? What’s an Arab?”

Categories : fun  OMG DUDA WTF

glad i made some coffee


it’s disturbing when one can show up for their 9-5 job at 12pm, and, at 2am, be in line for a 16 hr day.

ed: it’s 5:30am. make that 18 hr day.

Categories : about  geek  OMG DUDA WTF