score: mirror 1 alarm clock 0


we moved into our new place in december and haven’t hung the massive mirror in the bedroom yet. it was just sitting on the back of the dresser, leaning next to the wall. last night, a lump of clothes resting on the dresser cooerced it to slid down and fall behind the dresser.  amanda’s alarm clock was behind the dresser also, minding its own business.

check out the carnage. the last picture has a quarter to give you an idea of how immense this mirror is.

Categories : about  OMG DUDA WTF



looks like comcast is going to bump speeds again for their ‘gold’ customers. this time, to 16mbit down, 1mbit up. wahoo!

before i had comcast, i had DSL with speakeasy. i was marginally in the range for DSL at 16000 ft, so i had 300k/128k speeds with them. when i came to comcast, i was impressed with how much faster they were.

upgrade history:

  • 1500/128k/sec (when i signed up in 2002)
  • 1500/256k/sec (upgraded to this shortly thereafter)
  • 3000/256k/sec (sometime in 2003)
  • 4000/384k/sec (summer 2004, tier-2/gold package, turned into standard/bronze package after upgrades)
  • 6000/384k/sec (summer 2005, currently the silver $2/mo package)
  • 6600/768k/sec (winter 2005, tier-2/gold package, upgraded)
  • 8800/768k/sec (fall 2005, tier-2/gold package)

if i confused you with the packages, that’s ok. i meant to because it’s that confusing.

there’s no indication of the any speed changes for bronze/standard or silver/upgraded customers and there’s no indication of a rollout plan. ed: rollout plan for Summer 2006, much like previous years.
exciting times. 🙂

Categories : geek


three terms i’ve been hearing quite a bit of recently, new buzz words?

/me ponders

thanks tmbo


something like the year 2020, this guy and his son are walking through NY. They stop at the site of where the towers stood.

The guy reads a plaque dedicated in memory of all who lost their lives that day, and the rescue workers. He sheds a tear in silence.

His son asks him what’s wrong, and he tells him that once upon a time, a bunch of Arabs hijacked airplanes and flew them into these big, tall skyscrapers, killing thousands of people.

His son is quiet for a short bit, then says…

(wait for it)

“Daddy? What’s an Arab?”

Categories : fun  OMG DUDA WTF

glad i made some coffee


it’s disturbing when one can show up for their 9-5 job at 12pm, and, at 2am, be in line for a 16 hr day.

ed: it’s 5:30am. make that 18 hr day.

Categories : about  geek  OMG DUDA WTF



we came back from indiana to ice-storm afterbirth. this is a small cleared section of my windshield this morning. it wasn’t just “normal” ice, this was “thick, scrape for five minutes even though the defroster is helping!” ice.

Categories : OMG DUDA WTF

cheaper by the dozen


people like my brother, jer, and chuck shouldn’t read this.

Read more…

Categories : geek  OMG DUDA WTF

drop what you’re doing


work travel. yay. left yesterday at 8pm. 600mi round trip to our indiana transmission complex in lovely kokomo indiana. win2k/NDS->xp/AD training is on the itinerary. two nights in a courtyard marriott.
amanda came with me, hoping she could visit an old friend while she’s closer to them. proving unlikely so far, we’ll see for sure though.

Categories : events  geek